Verona, VR 37129, Italy
+39 045 8028157

About Us

Helmet for EMOTions

Many people are talking about us. Press the links below to know more!

15th March 2018

The PrEmT project (the first pilot project of the HEMOT® project) exists thanks to the support of University of Verona and Fondazione Cariverona.

University of Verona

26th April 2019

Within the PrEmT project, we have an active collaboration with the Order of Geologists of Veneto Region.

Ordine dei Geologi della Regione Veneto

21st June 2019

The pilot study of the PrEmT project was tested in a primary school of Verona, with more than 130 children.

Istituto Comprensivo 16 Valpantena

24th June 2019

The HEMOT® project promotes training courses focused on competences that could be helpful to cope with different stressful situations.

The New York Times

27th June 2019

The HEMOT® project aims at promoting resilience for children, adolescents, and adults in stressful situations, such as earthquakes.

Il Mattino di Padova

27th June 2019

The HEMOT® project has gained great visibility thanks to the interview to the coordinator, Dr. Daniela Raccanello, in The New York Times.

Univr Magazine

28th June 2019

Within the PrEmT project, “prevention” is the keyword: we promote children’s knowledge about earthquakes and emotions.

Il Gazzettino

02nd July 2019

Through the HEMOT® project, children understand the importance of choosing the coping strategy that better fits with the context.

Radio Verona

14th September 2019

In the HEMOT® project, we promote learning by having fun, with both digital and pen-and-paper games.


02nd December 2019

Children that participate to the training of the PrEmT project report in the website of their school that they learn while having fun.

Istituto Comprensivo 16 Valpantena

28th February 2020

Within the HEMOT® project we created a pamphlet about the new coronavirus and related emotions.

Univr Magazine

28th February 2020

The public health emergency can have a great impact on children and adolescents’ emotions.

Verona Sera

28th February 2020

The pamphlet on the ongoing public health emergency presents useful emotion regulation strategies.

La Cronaca di Verona

29th February 2020

Considering the public health emergency, we can choose time by time the most useful strategy to feel better.

Il Sole 24 Ore

29th February 2020

We can deal with the public health emergency also using some psychological advice.

Corriere di Verona

29th February 2020

The public health emergency can increase children’s fear, sadness and anger.

TG Verona

29th February 2020

The pamphlet on the new coronavirus helps adults to regulate children’s fear, sadness and anger.

Daily Verona Network

29th February 2020

The pamphlet on the new coronavirus reports knowledge also included within the PrEmT project.

Istituto Comprensivo 16 Valpantena

01st March 2020

Considering the spread of the new coronavirus, it is important to give clear and correct information to children.


02nd March 2020

Considering the new coronavirus, it is key to help children continue their lives as normally as possible, but at the same time be aware of what is happening.

The New York Times

02nd March 2020

Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per il Veneto

Thanks to the Regional School Office, the pamphlet arrived to every school of Veneto Region.

02nd March 2020

The team of HEMOT® developed a set of guidelines to help children and adolescents’ emotions.

Quotidiano Sanità

02nd March 2020

The pamphlet gives practical advice to cope with coronavirus-related fear, sadness and anger.

Verona Sociale

03rd March 2020

A free pamphlet by University of Verona and Civil Protection of the Veneto Region offers tips on coping with coronavirus-related emotions.

Il Mattino di Padova

10th March 2020

Thanks to many friends, collegues and supporters, the pamphlet is available in many languages.

Il Nazionale Verona

11th March 2020

The pamphlet on the public health emergency is touring the world with the help of many people.

Corriere di Verona

25th March 2020

The difference between objective and subjective risk is a key variable during a pandemic.

TV7 – Primus Inter Pares [2.46-9.22]

18th April 2020

The Italian Association of Psychology included our pamphlet among the resources to be consulted concerning psychological aspects related to COVID-19.

Associazione Italiana di Psicologia

19th September 2020

Within the HEMOT® project, we developed a pamphlet promoting coronavirus-related coping strategies for children and adolescents.


05th February 2021

The pamphlet developed within the HEMOT® project inspired the video by Veronica Brusa, an Italian middle school teacher who used it to talk about emotions and coping strategies with her students.

YouTube – Veronica Brusa

30th March 2021

We published a book describing the training for primary school children on earthquake-related emotion prevention implemented within the PrEmT project.

Univr Magazine

07th June 2021

Within the HEMOT® project we published an ebook suggesting a training for children and adolescents on pandemic-related emotions and coping strategies.

Univr Magazine

14th September 2021

Thanks to the Regional School Office, the webinar and the guidelines realized within the PrEmT project were disseminated to every school of the Veneto Region.

Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per il Veneto

04th February 2022

The projects of the Center of Research in Psychology HEMOT® were presented by Daniela Raccanello in a video for the initiative “La ricerca continua”.

YouTube – UniVerona

29th March 2022

The Center of Research in Psychology HEMOT® created a pamphlet to help adults managing children and adolescents’ emotions due to news about wars.

Univr Magazine

29th March 2022

Thanks to the Regional School Office, the pamphlet on the news about wars and emotions arrived to every school of the Veneto Region.

Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per il Veneto

01st April 2022

Daniela Raccanello was interviewed about the use of face masks in 6-year-old children.


19th April 2022

The Center of Research in Psychology HEMOT® developed the app PandHEMOT® to promote children and adolescents’ knowledge about pandemics, emotions, and emotion regulation strategies.

Univr Magazine

12th May 2022

Thanks to the Regional School Office, the communication about the PandHEMOT® app arrived to every school of the Veneto Region.

Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per il Veneto

20th May 2022

The pamphlet aimed at helping adults to support children and adolescents victims of wars was disseminated also thanks to the Regional School Office of the Veneto Region.

Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per il Veneto

21st May 2022

The pamphlet developed by the Centre of Research in Psychology HEMOT® regarding news about wars inspired the video by Juan D. Machin Mastromatteo, professor and researcher from the Autonomous University of Chihuahua, Mexico.

YouTube – Juantífico

24th May 2022

The Center of Research in Psychology HEMOT® developed another pamphlet to help in supporting child and adolescent victims of the conflicts.

Univr Magazine

20th June 2022

Daniela Raccanello and Giada Vicentini presented in a webinar online their new book “Psicologia dell’emergenza in età evolutiva. Dall’infanzia all’adolescenza” edited by Il Mulino.

YouTube – Edizioni del Mulino

7th March 2023

Daniela Raccanello and Giada Vicentini participated in a podcast promoting by the WebRadio of the University of Foggia, presenting some initiatives of HEMOT®.

Spotify – We Unifg

WebRadio Unifg

Instagram – webradiounifg

3th November 2023

The pamphlet about floods has been disseminated through the social channels of the Civil Protection of the Veneto Region.

X – Protezione Civile Regione del Veneto

Facebook – Protezione Civile Regione del Veneto

Instagram – protezionecivileregioneveneto

6th November 2023

The pamphlet about floods has been disseminated also with the collaboration of the Order of Geologists of Veneto Region.

Ordine dei Geologi della Regione Veneto

09th November 2023

The pamphlet about floods is a useful psychoeducational resource to help children and adolescents.


23rd September 2024

Daniela Raccanello presented the initiatives of the Center of Research in Psychology HEMOT® in a conference organized by the Italian Department of Civil Protection.

YouTube – Dipartimento della Protezione Civile [1:00:55-1:20:29 & 2:51:56-2:54:25]